   Fougères Brittany's

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Fougères Brittany's Present

Tillybirloch Galahad (Imp UK)

Sire: Patouche Earl (UK)
Dam: Enade De Keranlouan (Imp Fr)
Whelped: 25th December 2011



Jet represents the beginning of a new era for Fougères Brittany's.

He was bred by Tillybirloch Kennel in UK and his bloodline is impeccable. He descends from the acclaimed Keranlouan Kennel in France on his Mothers side  and on his fathers side he has the St Lubin lines. Both very much tried and tested lines with decades of champions to testify. This combination of elite working French lines has given us the unique opportunity to improve and consolidate our breeding lines of Brittanys that will go from the field to the family room. We are very proud of our boy and he has met all expectations so far. 

Jet is a natural bobtail.
Jet is available at stud to approved bitches.


Parents Grand Parents Great Grand Parents

            Patouche Earl




 Athos De St. Lubin (Imp Fr)

Graded Spring Pointing Test

Lasso De Sous Les Viviers CH.P CH.A-TR

Thais De Saint Lubin
Clochette Du Petit Oden (Imp Fr) Artiste TAN TR
Vadja Des Plaines Dauxeenes


 Enade De Keranlouan (Imp Fr)

Af De Keranlouan Santal De Keranlouan TR
Sultane De Keranlouan
Drouiz De Keranlouan Rapide De Kerveillant TR. CH.CFR.CHA-CHP
Whilst still in the UK Jet received a Diploma of Merit and Reserve in Field TAN test held by the Brittany Club of Great Britain.
3rd Puppy class Windsor Castle Championship Show.
2nd Puppy Class Brittany Club of Great Britain Championship Show 

 Jet at 14 weeks







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